No More Excuses…

We have all heard them, and many of us have used them ourselves; the excuse as to why you can’t workout. Here I will try to give you reasons why these excuses are no good!!!

1. I don’t have time

Not a lot of people actually HAVE the time for the gym. They MAKE time! If you are really wanting to change your lifestyle or your appearance, you will find the time. Think about it…how much time do you spend sitting in front of a computer screen, or watching TV, or playing Words With Friends on your iPhone? Probably too much, right?  I know I am guilty of these things far too many times. So, if you really want to change yourself, you will find the time. I can promise you there are busier people than you who find the time to workout!!!

2. Gym memberships are too expensive

Ok, so this could definitely be true. There are certainly some gyms that cost quite a bit to join, but there is no rule saying the only place you can workout is the gym. There are plenty of at home exercises you can do, various workout DVD’s that are much less expensive, there is the great outdoors (find some stairs or a great running path), there are even “mom and baby” workouts you can find on Youtube or search out fitness individuals on Facebook for inspiration (Jamie Eason, Vanessa Tib, Fit Life Happy Wife to name a few).  Do you own a bike? Hop on and ride a few miles! There is always some activity you can be doing for little or no cost.

3. I don’t know what I’m doing

There are people who can help with this! Whether its a trainer at your gym, and instructional DVD like P90X, or useful websites like, there is always some source of information you can seek out for assistance! offers some great, FREE workout plans and trainers for you to follow. Here are some to try:

Jamie Eason LiveFit Trainer

Lee Labrada’s 12 Week  Lean Body Trainer

Other Programs on


So, now you can’t use this excuse anymore. There is always something there to help you, you just need to seek it out!


4. I’m Too Tired

So, this might sound crazy, but working out actually gives you more energy!!! Working out triggers the release of endorphins (those feel-good hormones you have) and should help to eliminate fatigue. Find a time throughout the day that you feel good about working out at. You don’t necessarily have to wake at 5am to workout, unless this is how you FIND the time to do it! Of course, don’t over exert yourself in the gym and cause yourself to burn out either!


5. I Always Start Out Good and End Up Quitting

Styart by setting yourself SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely).  You will likely continue to workout if you are able to feel the success and satisfaction of reaching your goals. You can also enlist in a workout buddy! Being accountable to not only yourself but a workout friend will help. You can always sign-up for a weekly program (crossfit, TRX, bootcamp, etc) to h0ld yourself accountable in your activity.


So, STOP THE EXCUSES! If you are really serious about working out, no excuse will stop you!!!!